Safety Management System

Safety Management System
McLanahan, (NSW & QLD, Australia)


McLanahan is a global supplier of processing equipment, systems and solutions, with a head office in the US and its own in-house engineers, machinists, fabricators and assembly personnel, who oversee the complete design and manufacturing processes from the ground up. McLanahan’s Australian operations are based in Warrabrook NSW and include office space, a warehouse and fabrication workshop.

McLanahan approached Exis with a brief to revise an existing outdated and non-functional Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) to provide an integrated approach to OHS management as part of everyday business, and support the company’s OHS commitments. The revised system was to be aligned with AS/NZS 4801 and be compliant with the (then) new NSW Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations 2011. The system was also aimed at providing McLanahan with:

  • improved awareness of regulatory requirements
  • the ability to demonstrate effective OHS management in tenders
  • managing risks of workers on client’s sites nationally and internationally
  • improved employee relations through proactive OHS management
  • lower insurance premiums due to effective risk management
  • improved corporate image by demonstrating a responsible attitude towards employees


  • Scoping exercise performed over two days to review existing system, processes, documents etc.
  • Meet with Directors and senior management to explain approach and gain support.
  • Establish Implementation Team, and fortnightly mentoring schedule – mentoring involved developing the knowledge of the Safety Team by collaborating on procedures, registers, training materials, regulatory compliance requirements etc.
  • Development strategy established and implemented, based on three stages:
    - Stage 1: Operational Control – The outcome of Stage 1 were to streamline and implement the operational elements of the system. The focus of this stage was implementing risk controls.
    - Stage 2: Support Processes – The outcome of Stage 2 was finalisation and implementation of the management system processes and Policies and Procedures Manual (together with related registers, forms, templates etc). The focus of this stage was ensuring that the system is capable of supporting the management of operational risk. At the completion of this stage, the full OHSMS was operational.
    - Stage 3: Measurement and Recognition – The outcome of Stage 3 was an audit and management review of the system to verify implementation and assess the effectiveness of the OHSMS in its early stages.


The safety system was rolled out across the business through a number of key processes including:

  • Introduction of a structured weekly Safety Meeting for all staff
  • Development of a suite of toolbox talks for delivery at weekly safety meetings
  • Introduction of a regular hazard and housekeeping inspection
  • Develop and implement monthly safety report as input to senior management meetings
  • Development and delivery of the following training packages:
    - staff and contractor induction package
    - OHSMS Awareness training package for all staff (including exercises and competency assessment test)
    - Safety Management and Due Diligence for managers
    - Set of ‘Competency Validation Assessments’ used by Supervisors to assess competency of personnel against safe work instructions


  • Change management issues associated with transitioning to updated safety requirements in NSW legislation were minimised
  • Volume of system documentation reduced by approximately 75%
  • Directors and senior managers have taken ownership of the OHSMS and understand their work health and safety duties and obligations, and how the system assists them to discharge these duties
  • Involved staff and empowered managers, resulting in improvements in housekeeping, quality of risk assessments and incident reporting and control of warehouse and manufacturing/service operations on site
  • Directors understand duties, liabilities and how the system forms an integral part of the company’s due diligence program